The East Coast’s largest land development venture, one of WithersRavenel’s signature projects, took another turn in the spotlight in January.
Chatham Park is featured in the January 2019 issue of LDDI Bridges, a publication of the Land Development Design Initiative at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. The article details the expansive North Carolina project along with some of its most unique features, including the innovative watershed program and green street features in the more than 7,000-acre planned community in Chatham County.
The LDDI is a collaborative effort between the Via Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech and industry practitioners. The Initiative has made strides to improve land development design education at Virginia Tech and to increase student awareness of land development design as a career path.
WithersRavenel serves as a Mentor and Platinum Level corporate sponsor of the Virginia Tech program. Learn more about the LDDI Bridges program at www.cee.vt.edu/lddi/.