Local government leaders from across the state will be in the Triad for a much-anticipated annual gathering.
The North Carolina City and County Managers Association (NCCCMA) 2020 Winter Seminar is Feb. 5-7 at the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem. The seminar is a blend of meetings, workshops and educational sessions where attendees can learn and network with other city and county officials.
Keynote speaker for the event will be Charles L. Marohn Jr., president and founder of Strong Towns. Marohn offers insights into why so many towns are struggling and what actions leaders can take to make their towns financially stronger.
Also included in the seminar is an alumni breakfast on Thursday. Universities represented are Appalachian State, East Carolina, North Carolina State, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, UNC-Greensboro, UNC-Wilmington and Western Carolina.
WithersRavenel is a gold sponsor for the seminar. Come by and check out our booth. We look forward to catching up with old friends and making new ones at the NCCCMA Winter Seminar!