WithersRavenel professionals will be on hand this week at one of the largest business safety events in the Triangle.
The 2019 Business Environmental Safety Training Conference will be Feb. 21 at North Carolina State’s McKimmon Center. The event offers a day full of training sessions on a variety of safety, health and environmental topics and the opportunity to network with professionals in these fields. Lunch keynote speaker will be state Attorney General Josh Stein.
The conference also showcases vendors, including WithersRavenel, who provide services, supplies and products in environmental, health and safety areas.
The annual event is a major outreach of the Wake County Local Emergency Planning Committee, which is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the conference.
WithersRavenel is a lunch sponsor for this year’s event. Our employees have been attending BEST for more than 10 years. R.S. “Butch” Lawter Jr., PE, Director of Environmental Services, is a subcommittee member.
We look forward to seeing professionals from throughout the area at this critical event.