Have you ever struggled to align your public works department’s goals with the available budget?
On July 24, Shannon Moore, Director of Finance Services at WithersRavenel, and Megan Powell, Funding & Asset Management Project Manager at WithersRavenel, presented an informative webinar on overcoming such challenges. They shared strategies for aligning plans and goals, identifying resource gaps, setting project priorities, establishing timelines, and coordinating projects to maximize efficiency.
The finance duo also emphasized the importance of budget cycles and continuous communication with budget departments and stakeholders. In regards to incorporating project budgets into departmental and municipal budgets, they highlighted steps to integrate these budgets effectively, utilizing work order management systems, and the necessity of ongoing dialogue with budget departments.
“The most important thing that you can do in incorporating things and getting projects started is communication,” Megan stated. “Communicate between your department and between your management. Whether that’s a budget department or a finance director, you all need to make sure that you’re on the same and continuously talking about what is needed. The best way to do that is to start early (in the budget cycle).”
Addressing the scenario of not receiving requested funding, Shannon and Megan discussed strategies for long-term planning, the use of rate studies and financial analysis, and exploring grant opportunities. They provided insights into alternative approaches to secure funding through continuous need demonstration and reassessment of project alignment with board goals.
The event concluded with advice on what to do if one received funding in this most recent cycle, how to leverage data to communicate one’s needs and successes, and how to use software and automation tools to assist with goal alignment conversations.
Did you miss the live event? Watch the full webinar recording on WithersRavenel’s YouTube channel or in the section below. Take the insights and strategies shared by Shannon and Megan back to your teams to enhance your planning and budgeting processes.
WithersRavenel has an in-house, dedicated finance team that enables clients to administer critical programs, initiatives, and projects. If you’re interested in learning more about how our team can help you or want to book a one-on-one conversation, contact Shannon Moore at smoore@withersravenel.com or Megan Powell at mpowell@withersravenel.com.