May is Women’s Health Month in the US. It is an opportunity for women and girls to focus on their physical, mental, and emotional wellness so that they can live healthy and happy lives. It coincides with several other observances focused on women’s health issues, such as National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month, Preeclampsia Awareness Month, and National Women’s Check-Up Day.
WithersRavenel is celebrating Women’s Health Month by providing employees with a variety of tools to evaluate and improve their health. Some of our health initiatives include:
Wellbeing Committee and #Thrive on Workplace
WithersRavenel has a Wellbeing Committee made up of 17 employees representing all of our offices and departments. Their mission is to encourage, inspire, and support employees in living healthy lifestyles by providing education and opportunities to pursue physical, mental, and financial well-being.
Members of the Wellbeing Committee collect physical fitness, nutrition, financial, and mindfulness tips. They also organize (virtual) wellness events and activities. They are active on Workplace and share their resources using #thrive.
Wellbeing Challenges
Challenges are one of the ways the Wellbeing Committee encourages healthy change. The most recent spring challenge was a four-week event focused on increasing the number of minutes we spend engaged in healthy behaviors each day. Participants indicated whether they were setting casual or competitive goals, then recorded the number of minutes they spent exercising and practicing mindfulness each day. Minutes were converted to points based on the type of activity. By the end of the challenge, there were 50 active participantsabout 20% of the companywho earned a total of more than 92,000 points!
Lunch & Learns and Virtual Yoga
Another way the Wellbeing Committee is promoting a whole-person approach to health is through virtual meetings. Each month, the committee invites an expert to present on a health or wellness topic during a remote lunch-and-learn. Wellbeing education topics have included dealing with stress, meal planning basics, and tackling money fears.
And for a more frequent boost, employees are invited to join group yoga sessions through Zoom every Tuesday at 12 nooncamera optional.
1-on-1 Nutrition Sessions
Employees can also make a one-on-one appointment with a nutritionist to explore creative options for healthier meals, create a personalized meal plan, and tailor meals to address a variety of medical conditions.
Empowering employees to make healthy choicesat work as well as at home, during Women’s Health Month and beyondis a priority here at WithersRavenel. In addition to these employee-driven program and initiatives, WithersRavenel offers a competitive total compensation package that includes medical, dental, and vision care; retirement benefits; and an Employee Assistance Program. If you’d like to work for a company that values your health and wellbeing, visit our Careers portal and browse our Open Positions today!