WithersRavenel is proud to announce that Seth Robertson, PE has joined our team. As a trusted and valued industry leader, Seth has come onboard to serve as a senior director of our Management Consulting practice. In this capacity he will focus on helping local governments solve complex financial, funding, strategic, managerial, technological and policy-related problems. His decades of experience in engineering, consulting and governmental leadership make him the perfect fit for this role.
Prior to joining WithersRavenel, Robertson worked for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI) for 13 years and spent the last 4 years at the helm of the State Revolving Fund section. During his time at DEQ he worked tirelessly with local governments across the state on developing, funding and implementing solutions for complex utility problems. He also furthered DWI’s focus and investment in capital improvement and asset management planning. Through implementation of these programs, Seth has been able to work closely with local governments to develop and implement capital improvement, asset management, merger and regionalization plans.
Prior to joining DEQ he spent many years in the consulting industry. He maintains an active Professional Engineering license in the State of North Carolina and holds a degree in Environmental Engineering from North Carolina State University.
Robertson’s background is leadership and engineering focused, with experience in process design, project and program management, environmental permitting, and remediation design. He has worked with municipal water and wastewater facilities, including treatment plants, and he brings a wealth of experience in asset management and state and federal funding program administration.
The addition of Robertson to our Management Consulting practice reflects WithersRavenel’s rigorous commitment to continue to expand our service offerings to better satisfy the needs of our local government clients. His knowledge of utility engineering coupled with his leadership in the finance and funding realm will take clients’ projects from concepts to concrete.
Please help us in welcoming Seth to the WithersRavenel team! We are so excited and thankful to have him. He will be based in our Raleigh office.
If you’d like to find out more about our management consulting or engineering service offerings, please reach out to Jessica Martin-Lane, Vice President, jmartinlane@withersravenel.com or Seth Robertson, PE, srobertson@withersravenel.com.