WithersRavenel successfully assisted the Town of Biltmore Forest with the development of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Green Infrastructure Funding application to provide the Town with financial resources to restore the stream and riparian corridor to more natural conditions and functions.
The goal of the project aimed to improve and restore natural stream and riparian corridor functions to a first-order stream. The stream banks were largely lined with failing gabion baskets and had several non-treated stormwater conveyances directly discharging to the stream. The project removed the gabion baskets, stabilized eroding stream banks, and provided innovative pocket wetlands to improve water quality and stream function.
Our Stormwater team assisted the Town with the necessary reporting requirements that were required for the project’s no-interest loan funding. The stream and riparian corridor within the Town’s park that was enhanced/restored encompasses approximately 370 feet of stream bank and 0.6 acres, respectively, providing more natural functions to the stream and returning it and the riparian corridor to a more natural state.
Approach, Management, and Methodology
WithersRavenel gathered geomorphic data of the channel within Greenwood Park. This information was used to establish reference conditions on which to base the design of the stream channel. The data was used to develop stream geometry design criteria and included: Typical stream pool and riffle cross sections of the channel above or below the culvert.
Bed substrate analysis in order to evaluate bedload transport conditions.Stream planform geometry (that will likely not require a change in the design).
Because the project was funded through a DWI SRF application, WithersRavenel completed an engineering report and environmental information document (ER-EID). An additional component of the Green Infrastructure SRF program included water quality devices sized to treat direct stormwater discharge. The project also included coordination with WithersRavenel’s Funding & Finance team to ensure compliance with all local, state, and federal procurement processes that were followed during design, permitting, and construction.