The Town of North Wilkesboro partnered with WithersRavenel to develop a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and a community engagement survey to assist in creating a vision for the Town and prioritize capital improvements.
After meeting with the Town to establish project goals and a schedule, WithersRavenel collected relevant Town technical, organizational, and financial information. We then reviewed this information, which included existing plans and past studies along with current budgets, past audits, and other financial records. We also assisted the Town with the creation of survey language for electronic tools for public engagement, which the Town publicized and provided options for residents to share their opinions.
WithersRavenel then assisted Town staff with a visioning process and implementation plan for projects identified and prioritized by the Board of Commissioners. The Town Board met for a visioning workshop with WithersRavenel and Town leadership to establish priorities for the Town of North Wilkesboro over the next 5‐10 years. The visioning participants identified projects and prioritized those throughout the workshop, with the goal being that the top projects could be addressed quickly.
With this resident and Town information, we were able to outline a 10-year CIP template with cost and funding estimates for the Town’s approval.