Carolina Springs aspires to be a community that both embraces and engages nature, consisting of a network of trails and parks that encourages social and physical activity. Along with a mix of uses, a variety of housing types, and diverse and abundant public spaces, WithersRavenel will help foster a sense of community that empowers residents to discover nature, the arts, health and wellness, and community.
WithersRavenel incorporated the following elements into the overall design of the area plan:
Discover Nature
- Introduce natural features into the built environment to provide opportunities for residents to engage and interact with nature.
- Encourage tree preservation and natural resource protection.
- Encourage nature-themed art pieces to be incorporated.
- Incorporate environmental informational nodes (i.e. interpretive signage) into trails and natural spaces.
Discover the Arts
- Designate public spaces for the display of permanent or revolving public art.
- Encourage creativity in building design to allow buildings to reflect art in their design.
- Encourage the programming of public spaces to accommodate events focused on arts and education.
- Encourage interactive public art through playground elements and site furnishings.
Discover Health and Wellness
- Create a pedestrian-oriented community with sidewalks, trails, and parks that encourages walking, biking, and running.
- Provide spaces for a wide range of recreational and social activities for all ages.
- Maintain natural areas for public access and enjoyment.
- Provide public social spaces such as courtyards, plazas, sidewalk cafes, and parks.
Discover Community
- Encourage creation of a wide range of education, arts, entertainment, and recreational programs that engage residents of all ages.
- Provide public spaces such as courtyards, plazas, and parks within walking distance of residences that can be programmed to encourage social activity.
- Use consistent landscaping and hardscape themes throughout the community.
- Provide a Town of Holly Springs entry feature (near NC-540) and Carolina Springs entrance features at entry points into the community to establish a sense of community identity and arrival.