Streambank erosion was compromising a section of the North Pacolet River at Harmon Field in Tryon. Harmon Field has a rich history centered around equestrian events and is the most used park in Polk County. Visitors of the park come from all over western NC and the nation to participate in equestrian events, athletic events and other various activities.
Quible & Associates, P.C., (now WithersRavenel) worked closely with the Town of Tryon to secure the necessary grant funds for the project. Once funding was secured Quible designed, permitted and oversaw the implementation of the stream restoration and stormwater enhancement project. The goal was not only to stabilize streambanks, but also to improve water quality, habitat for wildlife and plants, and increase safety for visitors to the park.
Environmental scientists with Quible were able to restore approximately 3,400 linear feet of the river and conserve a nearly 50 feet wide riparian buffer. The stream banks and riparian buffer were planted with native shrubs, trees and wildflowers. The newly vegetated riparian buffer, along with bank stabilization and construction of natural riverine features like rock cross veins, riffles and runs reduced the amount of sediment and pollutants going into the North Pacolet River and increased dissolved oxygen which is vital for trout survival. In addition, rain gardens and bioretention basins were designed and installed with native plants throughout the park to promote better stormwater treatment, while also nurturing pollinators. The North Pacolet River is home to trout (Hatchery Supported) and other wildlife which benefited greatly from the improvements in water quality and native riparian buffer plantings.
Signage was added along the river to educate the public and highlight the positive effect the stream restoration project has on water quality and the environment.
The transformative project was partially funded by a grant from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) through its Water Resources Development Grant Program.