Safeguard Human & Ecological Health with Soil and Groundwater Remediation
Thorough subsurface environmental investigations
Before initiating site activities, our environmental staff evaluate site-specific conditions to develop an appropriate remediation program. We provide groundwater and surface water monitoring and reporting services for Brownfields sites, commercial and industrial sites, UST sites, and active and inactive landfill sites. We may recommend a single technique or a combination of several techniques to thoroughly and cost-effectively identify and delineate contaminants and their concentration levels.
Expertise in petroleum remediation
Above-ground storage tanks (ASTs) and underground storage tanks (USTs) can leak fuel, presenting pollution issues that must be addressed. Our environmental department has experience identifying and remediating potential soil and groundwater contamination at homes and businesses.
Certified Inactive Hazardous Site Remediation professionals
For properties eligible for the Inactive Hazardous Sites Program, we provide a Registered Site Manager to oversee investigation, remediation, and monitoring activities. Historical and recent accidental releases of hazardous substances are addressed to comply with contamination reduction and certification requirements.
Turn-key remediation solutions for soil, soil vapor, groundwater, and surface water cleanup
We have the in-house equipment and expertise to perform pilot tests and provide installation, startup, and maintenance or a variety of remediation systems, including air sparging, chemical injection, phytoremediation, soil vapor extraction, vapor mitigation, pump and treat (hydraulic containment), and multiphase extraction systems. We are also well-versed in contaminant transport modeling and have designed several natural attenuation systems.