Today marks the start of Park and Recreation Month 2020! Each year, the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) designates the month of July to highlight and celebrate the importance of parks and recreational programming in our communities.
The theme for this year’s celebration is “We Are Parks and Recreation,” which centers the people who make parks and recreation possible. In the essential field of parks and recreation, the professionals who plan, design, operate, and maintain these vital facilities and programs are frontline fighters for health and environmental and social change.
Throughout the month of July, we’ll be looking back on some of our favorite parks and recreation projects and stories. We’ll also be looking ahead to developments in the field, including new legislation that could substantially improve the funding outlook for local parks, trails, boat launches, sports fields, and other recreation areas.
We at WithersRavenel could not be more proud of our Parks and Recreation professionals and the stellar work they do. We hope you’ll join us in recognizing and celebrating the parks and recreation professionals within our communities and around the country.
To keep up with all of our Park and Recreation Month 2020 content, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.