Client experience for professional services companies takes center stage at the upcoming CXps Conference May 8-11 at the Durham Convention Center in Durham.
The conference will showcase client experience strategies and best practices in the form of keynote speakers, workshops, breakout sessions, and opportunities for networking. Experts and innovators in client experience from across North Carolina and around the country will share their insights at this annual event founded by Client Savvy.
WithersRavenel’s Chief Client Experience & Innovation Officer (CXIO) Eddie Staley, GISP, PLS, and Client Experience Management Practice Lead Don Mizelle will present “Can You Hear Me Now? Exceptional Client Experience By Design” at 9:45 a.m. May 9. Staley and Mizelle will share details on WithersRavenel’s recent client listening workshop. They will discuss the challenges of putting together a workshop for clients, the “right” questions to ask, and how to best engage with your clients and provide a space for them to be open and honest.
Reservations for the conference are still available. For more information on CXps and to claim your spot at the event, visit https://clientexperience.org.