July is Park and Recreation Month, and WithersRavenel is celebrating! Each week, we’re profiling one of our team members whose work includes parks and recreation projects.
Today, meet Landscape Designer Rifat Sharmin, SITES AP. Rifat has been working at WithersRavenel for more than three years. Her professional experience includes parks, streetscapes, urban development, and master planning. Rifat has an MLA (Master of Landscape Architecture) from North Carolina State University and a Bachelor of Architecture from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
WithersRavenel: What sparked your interest in parks and recreation and landscape architecture?
Rifat Sharmin: As a child I loved being outside and I loved to draw, which was why I started my undergrad in architecture. Soon I was introduced to the field of landscape architecture, which has literally everything I loved to do from my childhood.”
WR: What aspect of your job at WithersRavenel do you like the most?
RS: Every morning when we leave our home for work, and go to our workplace, anything we see beyond building footprint is landscape architecture. What interests me most about the profession is being able to create a sense of place for people to come together to celebrate life and create memories.”
WR: How did your upbringing affect your perspective on parks and landscape architecture?
RS: Growing up in a densely populated city which struggles with environmental resources, lack of open spaces and crowding with places that seems to alienate people, it was always fascinating for me to look for those pockets of space and places when I can play. I feel fortunate to be involved in a profession that gives the opportunity to create those spaces for others, no matter the scale.”
Do you want to put WithersRavenel’s dedicated Parks and Recreation Studio and Landscape Architecture team members to work for you? Contact Rifat Sharmin at (919) 535-5239 or rsharmin@withersravenel.com or Parks and Recreation Director Brian Starkey, PLA, ASLA, at (919) 238-0305 or bstarkey@withersravenel.com.