The North Carolina Society of Engineers, the oldest engineering society in North Carolina, will celebrate 100 years as an organization on Friday, February 23, 2018. This society was founded in Durham on February 18, 1918, by a group of engineers from across the state of North Carolina. The 2018 Winter Meeting will culminate with a banquet at the Park Alumni Center on North Carolina State University’s campus beginning at 6:00 PM.
The agenda for the banquet will include a keynote address by State House Representative Scott Stone, PE, as well as the presentation of the annual Outstanding Engineer of the Year award, first presented in 1937. This year’s recipient is Mr. Lonnie C. Poole Jr., founder of Waste Industries and an NC State Engineering graduate. The banquet will also feature other recognitions, including the newly created Van Crotts Scholarship and Society Service award. Installation of new officers and directors will complete the banquet. Many state dignitaries will be in attendance to celebrate this monumental occasion.
For more information about the North Carolina Society of Engineers or this event, visit ncsocietyofengineers.org or contact H.E. “Tony” Withers III, PE at twithers@withersravenel.com.