For the second straight year, WithersRavenel has won an award to celebrate client experience innovation.
WithersRavenel received a 2019 CX-cellence Award for Innovative Client Experience Strategy in the Client Connectedness Category. Client Savvy presented the honor at the CXps 2019 Awards Recognition Breakfast on May 22 at the Durham Convention Center.
Our award submission detailed the company’s expansion of our Client Feedback Tool usage to include private clients. While our plan was initially met with some skepticism, we have received an above-average rate of responses and comments from private clientele, indicating high engagement. The feedback pointed to areas that we have targeted as ripe for process improvement, including a more comprehensive mapping of a client’s project journey.
The award was presented as part of CXps 2019, a 3-day gathering in Durham. WithersRavenel was a sponsor and exhibitor for the conference, which brought together professional services firm employees along with client and employee experience experts for sessions on a variety of topics.
WithersRavenel also won a 2018 CX-cellence award, the inaugural year for the Client Savvy honors. We look forward to continuing to work with Client Savvy by utilizing Client Feedback Tool to promote communication and problem solving with our public and private clients.