WithersRavenel is proud to announce that we have a record 10 speakers presenting at the 2018 NC AWWA-WEA Annual Conference this fall! Our utilities experts will be lecturing on a variety of water, wastewater, and special interest topics, including the implications of craft brewing for wastewater treatment; the causes, treatment, and prevention of deterioration in pipes and their surrounding environment; and innovative approaches to water and wastewater management at home in North Carolina and abroad.
To make sure you don’t miss out on any of our informative and engaging sessions at this year’s conference, we’ll be doing a sneak peek of our lineup each day next week. From October 29 through November 2, we’ll post an AWWA Speaker Preview of the topic and the presenter, as well as a reminder about when they will be presenting. Be sure to mark your conference calendar, and don’t forget to drop by Booth 101 to chat with us during the event!
The 2018 NC AWWA-WEA Annual Conference will be held November 4-7 at the Raleigh Convention Center in Raleigh, NC. For more details and to register, visit the conference website.