Ross Perry and Antonio De Cecco will be presenting “Planning for the Future – Town of Morrisville Stormwater Master Plan” at the APWA Stormwater Management Division Conference in Winston-Salem, NC, on Monday, September 19, 2022, at 1:30 PM. This 30-minute presentation will help attendees conceptualize the process of developing a stormwater master plan (SWMP) and understand the short-term and long-term benefits that a SWMP can offer a community.
With increasing economic growth and development in the Triangle region and North Carolina as a whole, ensuring existing stormwater infrastructure has the capacity to handle additional runoff from development is critical. A watershed analysis was conducted for the Town of Morrisville, located in Wake County, in order to evaluate existing stormwater infrastructure in a future build-outscenario. The design storms evaluated were the 10-Year, 25-Year, and 100-Year, 24-Hr storm events. Areas of concern (AOCs) were identified after analysis of the flood model results and inundation maps. AOCs were subsequently ranked and prioritized through a weighted decision matrix and Town input. An assessment of conceptual level stormwater improvements designed to mitigate potential future flooding conditions, along with engineer’s cost opinions, were provided for ten (10) priority project areas. Utilizing the priority project recommendations and cost opinions, a 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) was developed with consideration of the Town’s current stormwater utility fee (SWU) and capital budget.
Ross Perry, PE, CFM, is a stormwater engineer with experience in master plans and hydrology/hydraulics modeling. He specializes in preparing and analyzing detailed flood studies for the purpose of FEMA FIRM revisions, culvert sizing and design, and assessing the impacts of proposed developments on a water quality and flood control for existing watersheds. His stormwater design experience includes culvert and bridge roadway crossings, bioretention areas, constructed stormwater wetlands, and wet and dry detention basins.
Antonio De Cecco, EI, has experience in residential and public works development, with a focus on stormwater control measure (SCM) design. In addition, he has experience in hydrology/ hydraulics modeling for FEMA flood studies, including no-rise and CLOMR/LOMR permitting, dam inundation studies for Emergency Action Plans, culvert sizing, and existing/ alternative design analysis for storm drainage systems. Using software and methods such as HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, SWMM, CivilStorm, PondPack, HY-8, SCS TR-55, ArcMap, and AutoCAD, he provides practical solutions for stormwater management plans, flood studies, and hydraulic designs to meet state and local regulatory constraints for water quality, peak flow attenuation, and flood control.
This preview is part of our APWA Speaker Preview series, which highlights the WithersRavenel staff invited to speak at the 2022 APWA Stormwater Management Division Conference.