The largest project in the history of the Town of Clayton is currently underway thanks in part to funding from the North Carolina State Water Infrastructure Authority.
The vital project will support the continued rapid growth of the Town and surrounding Johnston County. In addition to planned facilities expansions by several of the Town’s largest industrial users, the Town is seeing more residential development and increasing population driven by the Triangle’s popularity and plentiful job openings.
WithersRavenel helped the Town secure $50 million in recent Clean Water State Revolving Fund monies for extensive work at the existing Little Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, the proposed new Neuse River Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), and additional system-wide wastewater collection and conveyance improvements. Combined with $55 million in previous funding for the project, WithersRavenel has helped the Town garner $105 million, and will continue to work with Clayton on securing further financial assistance for the project.
WithersRavenel is also a key participant on a large team working on the multi-stage project for the Town. As part of our Preliminary Engineering Phase services, WithersRavenel performed environmental assessments and developed a site remediation plan for the WRF site, which is situated on land previously used as the police department firing range. Work was needed to remove the firing range berm and all associated lead contamination before handing off the site to the Town’s selected design-build contractor. Additionally, WithersRavenel provided engineering design and construction phases services for early grading of the site and for associated ancillary utilities.
Currently, WithersRavenel is tasked with providing engineering design and construction phase services for converting the existing Little Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant into a regional pump station which will convey flows to the WRF through a new network of approximately 18,000 linear feet of force main and gravity sewer.
Additionally, our Teams are working with the Town and with consultants representing Johnston County to expand the existing East Clayton Industrial Area pump station to better serve the Town’s pharmaceutical and industrial customers. This project involves separate funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration. Our work includes engineering design and construction phase services for upsizing the current 2.5MGD pump station to a capacity of 5.0MGD and approximately 28,000 linear feet of associated force main, routed through both densely congested residential and unobstructed rural areas.
WithersRavenel is excited to work with the Town of Clayton and our teaming partners on this critical infrastructure project! Want to put WithersRavenel’s funding team to work for you on an upcoming project? Contact Amanda Whitaker at awhitaker@withersravenel.com.