A People-First Approach to Public Outreach, Stakeholder Engagement, and Community Involvement
Designing an inclusive process that values diversity
Planning efforts are enriched and strengthened when all members of a community come together to build something they believe in. We connect with as many people as possible, where they are, through hosting events on nights and weekends, meeting in neighborhood gathering places like churches and parks as well as events at town halls, farmers markets, and civic centers. We provide outreach services in multiple languages and seek an array of perspectives. As a result, we engage a diversity of stakeholders from mainstream to underrepresented groups.
Promoting equity through words and actions
Respect is one of our core values, which is reflected in an equitable community engagement process that prioritizes listening and building trust with constituents. We do not merely invite historically marginalized or underserved groups to engagement activities—we actively work to make sure they can feel welcome and safe when sharing their feedback.
Creating ownership within the community
Our overarching goal is to guide clients and stakeholders through an engagement process where they feel seen and heard, so that everyone has a meaningful place in the community’s future. We embrace and foster processes that are highly interactive, allowing the community to take ownership of the plan, goals, and objectives.