We love stormwater services at WithersRavenel. Each week in September, we’re profiling one of our amazing professionals from our Stormwater Department. Today, meet Assistant Project Manager Brandon Miller, PE. Brandon has worked at WithersRavenel for seven years. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological and Agricultural Engineering from North Carolina State University.
WithersRavenel: What sparked your interest in stormwater engineering?
Brandon Miller: I began getting interested in alternative energy and integrating the environment into urban areas in college. After graduating from NCSU, I worked in agricultural research with the Bio & Ag Engineering Department there. After seeing how BMPs were applied to agriculture, I became more interested in applying them in an urban environment.
WR: What does sustainability and environmental stewardship mean to you?
BM: We need sustainable practices because we are environmental stewards. In order to protect our natural resources, certain practices are put into place that need maintained by HOAs and business owners. The goal is to not put a tremendous burden on them. For me, it also means protecting some of my favorite pastimes for future generations, such as fishing, swimming, kayaking, etc.
WR: You do volunteer work with Wine to Water. Tell us about the organization and your experience helping people around the world.
BM: Wine to Water is a global clean water nonprofit organization based out of Boone, NC. They have impacted more than 1.5 million lives with increased accessibility to clean water, improved sanitation methods, and education. My small part in all of this was the installation of 5 groundwater wells in Chitwan, Nepal, and working in the Dominican Republic at a ceramic filter factory. I also helped host several fundraisers around Raleigh from 2015-18. The type of work this organization does ignited a passion in me that I was not aware of. There is so much good that comes out of easy access to clean water, the effect is immediate.
Do you want to put WithersRavenel’s Stormwater team to work on your next project? Contact Director of Stormwater Steve Marks at (919) 238-0482 or smarks@withersravenel.com.